Sunday, July 5, 2009

long weekend

it really feels like it's been a long weekend.
we've had our ups and downs, highs and lows.
the kids have been funny and sweet, ornery and rotten...all rolled into one.

john and i are both exhausted.

and because of that, i'm going to sum up the weekend very quickly and get to bed!

the weather was amazing. so it was easy to spend lots of time outdoors.
we spent so much time in our yard, on the deck, and on the front porch.
the older kids ran from house to house,

watching fireworks, staying up late,

eating pancakes, playing legos,

sleeping in to the sound of rain, laying in the hammock,

eating popsicles, swinging on the swings,

having water gun fights, making up new games to play,

i tried to catch ben's kissy face. see that sweet lip poked out just so...

we thought he would be scared of the fireworks, but instead he clapped the entire time!

...summer is in full swing.

yes, we're tired.
and yes we've had our ups and downs. you can't keep three children happy all the time.
but it was a great long weekend.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

stuff i'm digging at the moment...

just a list of some things that are making me happy today:

- raspberry creme coffee with a little vanilla creamer! yummy!

- shopping at goodwill and finding neat little things to repurpose and reinvent, all the while channelling my inner grandmom briggs and lovin' it!

- "two-for" days on the radio. just heard wild horses and sympathy for the devil by the rolling stones back-to-back. my love for that era's music runs deep...takes me back to the nights when my mom would iron uniforms for hours on end and we would listen to the beatles and the stones, the eagles, led zeppelin. i love that music. good stuff.

- matt nathanson's music. added a new song over yonder in my playlist. this is a popular song now, but his albums are awesome. my newest music crush.

- my new boden sale catalog. why, oh why, do you make heart pitter patter, mr. boden??!! i want it all. there, i've admitted it. isn't that the first step, admitting you have a problem?

- this cutie project from better homes and gardens.

(must make one for ben's room--i think i'm subconsciously starting an alphabet theme in there)

- meg's front porch makeover on the inspired room blog. it feels so "meg" and i love it. reminds me of super comfy and homey. just what i like.

- emails from a sweet friend who is a long way from home. her sincerity brought me to tears today and filled my heart with such love. i miss you stace. be good and be safe.

- last, but certainly not least, this picture of ben from two years ago.

every time i kiss his neck, he laughs just like he did here.

edited to add:
stuff i'm not digging at this moment...
why is blogger turning ben's picture? ugh!
oh well, you get the point.