it was only $2.49 and what a bargain. every time the kids see a bird, they run to the book to find out which one it was. josh reads the name and some of the description to anna. they actually work together to find the right picture. it's the best kind of summer fun--cheap, educational and really pretty neat.
this evening josh and i went out to the garden to look for something ready to be picked. we found some of these
and some squash for tomorrow night's supper. we also picked more basil just to smell and nibble on. i'm actually thinking about planting a late crop of tomatos so we'll have some well into october. the weather is certainly warm enough here and with food prices so high, it might just be the smart thing to do. i'm picturing homemade spaghetti sauce and maybe some fresh salsa too. sounds good, doesn't it?
the kiddos played on the swings and kicked a soccer ball around. the night air was warm and it was so breezy and nice.
it was hard to come inside, but easy to settle in for the night. happy summer.
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