is it too early?
i used to think so...but...
then i saw this photo on my beloved pottery barn and i fell in love.

and now the excitement is back.
i'm already scheming. planning a few trips to the dollar store.
what can i recreate for cheap? in other words...Summer who?
oh Fall, how i love you so.
but i am still loving on Summer though.
can you please wait a few months?
i promise i will be giddy in love with you too.
don't be jealous.
don't be hatin.
you are still my number one.
now, please don't leave me a comment saying starbucks has their pumpkin spice lattes back or i will officially have to call Summer right now!
p.s. josh lost his front tooth last night. woot! now he looks like a jack-o-lantern--oh no, now he's ready for Fall too!
i know what you mean. i used to hate (when i worked retail) that fall stuff came out so early, but now it's reminding me that this crazy hot weather won't be here forever.
i love that display by pb!! off to check out some more. have a happy day!
I'm totally in fall mode with the clothes I make so I know how you feel and I love looking at what Pottery Barn brings out for fall! It will be here before you know it!
Fall is my favorite time of year! Absolute FAVORITE! But this is too early for me. I have too many projects still left on the list for Summer to move on to Fall. Ugh...Pottery Barn, it gets me every time! I call the catalogs my "Magazines" because I spend so much time looking over them for ideas.
Now that I am living on the east coast, the fall is VERY exciting to me!!!
Can I just say...THANK YOU...
your comment on my blog was very sweet...very uplifting..and well...I might be feeling a little bit PEPPY!
I appreciate the time you took to send me such a sweet message...
thank GOD for my blog friends!!!!!!!
much love
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