*josh told me the other day that his "purpose in life" is to torture his little sister. i would say he is doing a fine job.
*the other day i bought anna an american girl doll. for no reason at all. i had the money and knew she wanted it. and you know what? when the box came in the mail and she opened it, it was even better than Christmas! she was so surprised and happy. and that made me feel so good.

*i love to eat raspberries but i cannot for the life of me stand to look at their fur. it's kinda gross actually.
*i spent an hour tonight talking to a friend about how we are all fallen but so lucky to have the opportunity to be saved. our God is so very good. the older i get, the more lucky i feel, and the more i need God in my life.
*i have had a couple of really cry-filled days. i feel so emotional. with ben starting a new school, it's the end of an era with our daycare/preschool. i don't know why i feel have such mixed emotions about all of it but i do. deep down, i know it's the best thing for ben and that is the thought that calms me.
*have you ever watched the show healthy appetite with ellie kreiger? she makes healthy cooking look delicious. i think i'm going to try a few recipes starting with this jambalaya.
*i want to go on vacation. i'm dying to go to savannah and tybee island. have any of you been there before? did you like it?
*i tucked in all my children tonight and savored every second. they are each so incredibly different from one another. josh is silly and sensitive. anna is funny and lovey. ben is lively and sweet.
*did i tell you that i have officially gone off the deep end and ordered a new cream twill slip-covered sofa? i know. i'm a total loon. but i'm a loon with one gorgeous couch--so there.

i love to watch last comic standing. it's hilarious. it makes me want to go on a date with john to a comedy club and laugh my butt off.
now, how's that for random?!
I've not been to Tybee Island, but I have been to Savannah, and it will not disappoint! From the candy shops, to the Lady and Sons restaurant, to the squares, it is a wonderful city to explore. If you do go, it is a city to take a tour of one day and then explore on your own the next. It is also the site for the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," and the home of the Girl Scouts founder.
You MUST post pics of that new couch when you get it!! I've had my eye on the same PB couch for years- not the slip cover one but it's L shaped and looks similar and I think I'd do chenille in cream! Yes cream! I love it!
So cute to see your daughter with her American Girl Doll!
I don't even know how i found your blog but I love it. I'm a mom of 3 and a Montessori teacher and live in Nashville. We just did the Savannah, Tybee Island thing for a week in early June and loved it!! We did a trolley tour in Savannah. We bought a two day pass which came in handy. We learned lots of history plus you can get on and off whenever you like which is great when the kids get tired of walking. We stayed in a condo on the beach on Tybee for a few days and that was fab too.
Jill J.
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