i love creating this collage of our daily life.
that's really what it is, little snippets here and there, just things that catch my eye and i think "oh, i should take a picture of that!"
so i do.
plus, i have the chance to see what my friends are up to and see their lives through their camera lenses, through what has caught their eye.
pretty neat stuff, this instagram business.
here are some snippets from the past week or two.
ben boy's long leggies,
our weekly csa (community supported agriculture) share,
fabric at wally world,

feeling God's presence in church parking lot.
reminded that He is everywhere and in everything,
reminded that He is everywhere and in everything,

tennis camp fun for the older kids,

take your child to work day with my little love,

girls lunch out (a special treat for us both!),

diet coke floats to make the bad days all better,

i think what ben's saying is, "i want a diet coke float!"
tell me how you really feel ben boy,

finding art projects everywhere.
anna is so busy these days,

finding my boy reading in bed even though he "hates" to read, (his room is almost done! yay!)

a big bowl of fresh strawberries that are devoured seconds later,

a cornfield on the way to work that stopped me in my tracks,

and finally, an early birthday present for myself.
ok, it's from the kids but we all know who picked it out!

guess what i'm trying to say is...i like instagram.
that's about it.
Awesome pictures!
Blessings, Joanne
And I love seeing what you post!
I love your toy car and am also slightly jealous;)
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