Saturday, March 12, 2011

brave girl.

i've been trying to be brave lately--with my camera.
i turned that little button on the top to manual and have been playing around.

there is so much to learn.
my mind does not think camera settings yet.
it is not natural at all.
but someday.
i am hopeful.
because photography is just plain cool.


Katie said...

I think you captured some great photos! Photography is like another language. I'm still happily stuck in aperture mode and don't know that I'll ever be comfortable doing everything manually. Kudos to you though!

meg duerksen said...

they look goooood.
it's HARD to get.
but really amy these look great!

Rebekah said...

Clearly, being brave paid off! I remember the first time I turned my setting to 'M'. I rarely turn it to anything else now and it helps me to learn to "think camera settings" now. Photography really is cool. LOVE your blog! Mind if I stick around?