Tuesday, February 10, 2009

tooth fairy

tomorrow josh is going to have one of his teeth pulled.
his baby tooth is dead and the dentist says it has to go.
but he hasn't lost any teeth yet, so this will be his first!
(it is important to note that his bottom front tooth is very loose, but hasn't fallen out yet).

in all the excitement, i totally forgot that tomorrow night, the tooth fairy will be paying her first visit to our house!
so tonight, i raided my craft cabinets looking for materials to build him a little tooth pillow.

about 20 minutes later, this little guy was finished.
ready and waiting for josh's very first tooth.

1 comment:

nana said...

I love the tooth fairy pillow! How creative my daughter truly is! Josh i hope you make out okay and the tooth fairy leaves a bundle of money. Love to all Nana