i'm watching football, sort of sinking into the sofa, warm from my favorite quilt.
man it looks cold in green bay. i'd much rather be on my cozy couch.
john went shopping this evening and i held down the fort at home.
he needed clothes for work and we had a ton of kohl's cash that expired tonight.
the kids were easy and fun while he was gone.
they spent most of their time playing legos and putting on a parade.
the legos are new to us, another craigslist find.
john brought home SIX bins full and couldn't wait till Christmas.
around here, they are priceless.
ben was all smiles, chasing anna around and around.
throwing legos everywhere, climbing on chairs and maybe even the kitchen table!
josh and i sat on the floor together watching the movie elf and just talking.
he is growing up so fast. i need to spend more time LISTENING to him.
he's changing so much.
one funny of the night--before i forget...
anna wanted to do something and john had told her no.
she was pleading her case when he told her he was the king of the house but she, however, was not the queen.
choosing not to be defeated, she countered back, "but i'm the queen of COOKIES!"
what do you say to that?!
ok. time to close up the laptop and recharge.
even when you 'have nothing', you have everything!
Thank you so, so much for your prayers and encouragment yesterday! May God bless you.
that ben can make anyone smile, i swear!
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