Thursday, March 4, 2010

a preview for nana

dance recital pictures were tonight.
anna'a class is dancing to the beach boys so they are wearing retro-style "bathing suits" and swim caps.

i snapped a few pictures of her after we put on some blush and lip gloss.
(i though she looked adorable!)

and this one, well, i couldn't believe how grown up (and serious) she looked.

but i think she just didn't want the sparkly lip gloss to come off--that's why she isn't smiling.

these girls are so giggly and cute. third year of dance together.

brings back so many memories of the years i spent dancing with my cousin jessica.
of black leotards with bunny tails pinned on, a bright red annie wig that jessica hated, dancing at the nursing home to cheer up the residents, doing the can-can with a black skirt that reversed to bright ruffles, and doing a kick line (like the rockettes) trying to get each kick over my head.

those memories are imprinted on my heart and will never leave me.
i hope anna continues to love it as much as i did then.


nana said...

Thanks for the preview! You should have warned me that i would need tissues! Anna reminds me of you in so many ways and i should hope we'll be there this year to see this recital!!! Anna looks adorable as usual!! Love to all,Nana

LoriLyn said...

Love the costume. So cute!

meg duerksen said...

that could be the cutest dance costume i have ever seen!