Wednesday, May 12, 2010

anna's party

some more from anna's birthday party.
if you remember, we went horseback riding at a local stables.
i have to be honest here, the place wasn't the cleanest and the stalls really were kind of nasty.
BUT, once the horses came out and the kids started playing, everything seemed to be just fine.
thank goodness we remembered the hand sanitizer!

having said all that, the kids had a blast. even the little ones loved it!

warning: lots of pictures below. lots of pictures of different kids on different horses. sorry, but i couldn't choose.

all the kids wore their cowboy/girl hats while listening to the trainers.

oh it smelled stinky at first. the girls were so funny giggling over the horse manure.

this is anna's bff, annie. i always find little notes from annie in anna's backpack. it's adorable.

this is diane. she's also one of anna's bestest friends. she has the cutest little face! i wanted to take a billion pictures of her.

here's meygan. she is also part of the bff crowd. she was a natural.

this is anna's friend from dance class, mackenzie. don't let the pink boots fool you--she's a total tomboy! and i think she, out of all the girls, had the most fun on the horses and in the dirt.

josh even got in on the action. he seemed nervous a little nervous at first.

but he caught on quickly. look--a smile!

ben got to ride too. he kept saying "wow!" over and over. but in two minutes, he was done and preferred to watch the action from the safety of my lap.

mackenzie loved playing with all the horse farm dogs. this one was so calm he fell asleep in the middle of the chaos.

a few more of anna. she started by having the horse walked around the arena, but then she got to ride alone, with her horse trailing one of the instructor's horses.

then she went on a special trail ride with the assistant trainer and a couple of others.

man, she thought she was BIG stuff, let me tell ya.

uncle jason found this incredible flower candle for the birthday girl. it spins and plays music too. CRAZY!

the very next morning, anna crawled in my bed and rested her hand on my arm. she quietly whispered in my ear, "mommy? can we please go horseback riding today?"

she's hooked. and i can see why.


Adrienne said...

Looks like she had so much fun! Love that candle too!

Kristina said...

Looks like fun. I'll have to take Emma and Anna sometime. They'd love it! So glad Anna had a nice birthday.