Thursday, September 9, 2010


just a few notable notes this afternoon because i'm tired and borderline crabby from lack of sleep and an overwhelming to-do list:

ben has made a new friend at his new school--mr. curtis, the custodian.
every time mr. curtis comes in ben's class, ben runs over to him, grabs him by the hand, and invites him to play.
i think that might be the cutest thing i have ever heard.
and i wish i had a picture of it.

ben had a humongous blowout poop this afternoon...on my brand new beautiful linen chair! the slipcover is in the washing machine and i'm on my hands and knees praying it comes out ok and the slipcover doesn't shrink up.
(and by the way i've never ever ever seen poop like this before! now i can say i've seen EVERYTHING!)

josh lost another tooth this weekend and that darn tooth fairy forgot to come three nights in a row! i wonder what happened to her? but she finally came through. whew.

anna does the best backward rolls i've ever seen! she is loving her new gymnastics class and i'm loving that it's over by 4:15 in the afternoon!

and one last thing...
i wish i had a decorating fairy that could come to my house and make it look like this: man, that would be really nice!


Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

uh oh. i'm saying a prayer for your slipcover, too.

if it makes you feel any better my daughter pooped while she was hiding behind her crib after her bathtime and then proceeded to squish it up and smear it everywhere. good times.
i was able to get it out of the cream colored carpet though, so there's definitely hope for your slipcover.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that our house isn't the only house in which the tooth fairy is occasionaly a no-show! OOPS! :)

Hope the slipcover cleans up nicely.

Kimberlee Jost said...

Could you send the decorating fairy to my house because from what little I've seen of your house, you really don't need her. :)