Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a collection

so wanna see what i actually bought at the fair?

it was tough--so much good stuff and so much variety.
in the end i decided to only buy stuff i loved.
i mean {{{really}}} loved.

so of course, there is lots of old, lots of chippy, lots of rust, but still very much a collection of loved things.

this toy truck and bottle brush trees was one of my favorite purchases of the trip!
i found it at jenni bowlin's booth.
she was so very gracious and sweet! and my pic is on her blog too! click here!

not pictured are an old blue chair (currently in my bathroom to hold towels, magazines or other soaking-time necessities) and an old twin bed that i plan on using as a sofa on our soon-to-be screened-in porch!

anyone wanna go next year?
reservations now being accepted!


jessica kiehn said...

i want to go! that fair was LOADED with good stuff!

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

i love everything that you got!

...Nancy said...

IF you can give me more than 2 hrs notice...MAYBE I can come next year! (...I think you did this on purpose, you let me schedule that meeting for Friday that I COULD NOT miss). ....I have envy over that framed postcard/letter. Penmanship is a forgotten art. hugs!