Monday, October 4, 2010

setting expectations.

"there was a time i had to consciously choose not to set expectations. i’m grateful to say that it is getting easier. i can roll with it, i can accept that the way things are must be the way they are meant to be."
from kristin at prairie daze

now i understand, in context, she was speaking in regards to herself and her situtation, but i when i read these sentences, they immediately clicked with me.

so many times in my life, i have filled my cup way too full. expected too much. wanted too much. felt the need to do too much.
and most times, after expecting too much, i felt such a let down that things did not go as planned. that things did not work out exactly how i wanted. that i could not make things go the way i had expected.

but now, i have consciously tried to NOT do that anymore.
but instead, to go with the flow. to let my life lead me where it wants to go. to let God lead me where i need to be.

and letting go--oh it is so very freeing.
"i can accept that the way things are must be the way they are meant to be."
this is good stuff.


meg duerksen said...

easier said than done....a life long journey. :)

kristin is wise.
she will love that you quoted her.
it would make her blush.

kristin said...

yup. blushing.

: )