Wednesday, June 11, 2008

best baby

every day, when i pick up ben from daycare, there is a sheet in his cubby that tells me about his day. what he ate at every meal, how much milk he drank, when he napped. i really like to read a section on the sheet called "ms. freda says..." here, ben's teacher, ms. freda, writes a few sentences that tell me how he's progressing. the past few weeks have been great and ben has really adjusted well to his new class. but today, "ms. freda said," "Ben was once again my best baby." and that just made my day! not that it surprises me at all...he is the best baby.

john is getting better--did i tell you that he caught a nasty stomach bug? he's been out of commission for going on three days now. i hope he feels better soon!

to cheer him up, anna taught him a song today. i listened in while they were trying to sing--john trying to sing the words and anna correcting him over and over--until finally she proclaimed, "daddy! you FINALLY got it! hurray for you!"

so here are the words to anna's song:
"if you've ever been fishin on a bright and sunny day,
if you see a little fishy going up and down the day,
with your hands in your pockets and your pockets in your pants,
all the little fishies do the hoochie coochie dance!"

and just a little something about my boy josh so he doesn't feel left out:
nana and poppy are visiting us this weekend. when i told josh that they will be here tomorrow, he said, "well maybe poppy will be better at wii bowling this time! he's got to be, right?"

so tomorrow we head to the airport to pick up my family and we have a super-packed weekend. full of sleepovers and birthday parties and picnics and maybe even one small surprise. i'll keep you posted.

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