i would love to say it was the best day ever, but that would be lying.
ben woke up at 5:45 am. then the sleepover girls woke up and were in our room at 6:00.
we were exhausted from the second we woke up and that led to some crankiness.
LOTS of crankiness.
the afternoon was much better though.
we even made time for cake.
i hated to buy a cake and thought about making one a million times.
but each time, the crankiness got in the way.
josh kept wanting to know why i got an auburn cake.
there wasn't much choice at our local grocery store, bud.
when we were singing, john would sing loudly "happy birthday to ME!"
guess he didn't mind the auburn cake.
and then there was the wish.
(he probably wished i wasn't so cranky--and maybe for a homemade cake)
what john doesn't know is that i wish every year too.
i wish that i can have one more year to spend with this awesome man.
who i love so very much.
happy birthday john!
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