Friday, February 5, 2010

the GW rocks it out again

i'm so happy to be home from work and kicking off the weekend!
and my sweat pants and slippers feel sooooo good.

tricia and i went to the GW today.
i scored big!
look what $18 can buy:

two pairs of brand new nick and nora jammies for anna,
two mini-boden shirts for anna,
a new tank top,
an under armor shirt for josh,
two pairs of old navy jeans for ben,
and this gaudy picture frame that i have big plans for!

so excited to have a weekend project (and for only $3!)
i hope to be able to show it to you on monday.
have a great weekend!


...Nancy said...

i LOVE that first is GREAT, crisp, fun...creative. i hope you have a great weekend and i can't wait to see that frame - decked out 'amy style'!

Anonymous said...

So jealous of your GW scores! Wish we had something like that here!

Kylie Mc said...

that mirror is fantastic! :)