ready for a tour of anna's bedroom?
we've been cleaning out (if you can believe that from the amount of stuff still in this tiny room!) and moving some things around.

last weekend john built her this long shelf to hold all her stuffed animals.
yes, she's a stuffed animal hoarder. maybe i should tell tlc about this...have you seen the new show about hoarding?
ok, where was i? john built her this shelf and it's perfect!
i moved both dressers to this wall to flank her teeny tiny vanity.
it's a lot of stuff to look at but it works perfectly.

everything is hand-me down or found yardsaleing. except for the vanity. it's from the target shabby chic line. i love it so, especially the pretty knobs.

her bed is a craigslist find i spray painted white.
the pink tulle canopy thingy we found at a yard sale for $3.
i bought her the green mirror for her bday last year. it's from lola b's.
pillow from meg.

anna hangs all her necklaces and bracelets from the pegs on the shelf above the vanity.
all her play makeup is in little buckets.
her good jewelry goes in the jewelry box, along with special trinkets.

anna's one request is that we add in more aqua to her room (what a good girl)!
so behind anna, where the picture of her is hanging, we are going to hang a couple mermaid prints found on etsy and a watercolor anna did this week in school.

we hope you enjoyed your tour of anna's little hideaway!
i was hoping to show you josh's room too.....
but, uh......

nope. not today, and maybe not ever.
have a happy weekend!
Her room is beautiful!
What a great girls room! This makes me want to go decorate my little girls room now. I love it!
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