Thursday, December 30, 2010

more pictures

here are twenty of my most favorite random pictures from christmas.
in no particular order, with no particular rhyme or reason.
but i love the story they all tell--even if they aren't picture perfect.
they mean something important nonetheless.

anna scattering the reindeer food on the front lawn on christmas eve.

reading the night before christmas in josh's bed

josh's collection of nutcrackers, all lined up on his dresser, just so.

anna's little tree in her room, ornaments falling off and battered from too much play.

the annual tree pictures...

ready to go for christmas morning!

ben on christmas morning, waiting for breakfast (not caring about the gifts at all). notice the sun isn't up yet!

a few snow pics just as it really started to fall hard.

anna and silvie in their pj's.

josh is the king of the snow mountain.

sitting around the kitchen table eating cookies and laughing.


john carrying a tired ben boy.

nana and anna making some magic fabric.

and again, with the john scalping josh or some other army guy move.

tomorrow the tree is coming down and all of it will be put away.
(breathing a BIG sigh of relief)
bring on the new year!


jessica kiehn said...

The best one is Ben waiting for breakfast, not caring about the gifts at all. That CRACKS me up!!

...Nancy said...

fav: john reading and anna's sweet face looking at the book with, so special!