Thursday, September 8, 2011

donations, ben, yucky house and craft night.

this weekend we received three large donations for davis' fund.
a close friend gave $50.
it was her birthday and she chose to give to us. 
how selfless!

another (newer) friend gave $2000! 
she too is adopting so this donation was especially meaningful to me.
she understands our hardship and sacrifice firsthand.  and still, she gives.
how selfless!

a blog friend gave $500!
she chose to donate her etsy shop profits to us.
she uses her gifts to help others, in all kinds of situations and circumstances.
how selfless!

to say i was overwhelmed by these donations is an understatement.
i pray for these women.
i pray for the Lord to see their kindness and goodness and to bless them.
i pray for the understanding and compassion to be more like them.
and i pray one day to be able to thank all of them in person.


this wild boy has been a handful lately.
don't let these tired eyes fool you.

he has started hitting anyone or anything in his path.
sometimes that includes strangers' hineys.
sometimes that includes his school friends.
sometimes that includes the ipad.

he has been a potty training fool and was doing great!
but today his teacher walked him to my car this afternoon and he was wearing a new outfit and no shoes!
betcha can't guess who refused to go in the potty but then went all over himself as he was washing his hands.
pee pee shoes are yucky.

yesterday ben started a dance program for children with special needs called dance your dreams.
all the children in his class were shy, it being the first class and all, and they sat in a circle with their helpers.
but not ben.
he ran around the entire dance room like a wild barbarian.
one young girl tried getting him to sit in her lap--ben turned into a wet, limp noodle and that poor girl had no idea what to do.
he did a little better towards the end of the class, but i can bet all the helpers are thinking they would rather choose ANY of the other kids than be stuck with ben.
yep, he was that kid.
all i could do was laugh.
because it really was funny.
we'll try again next week.


my house is grossing me out.
have you ever just looked around your house and thought "how in the world did it get so dirty?"
i spent an hour today just picking up stuff and putting it away.
i've decided we have way too much of everything.
it's insane.
and the worst part is that i'm constantly wanting more and more.
i am determined to clean out some cabinets and closets this weekend.
that's my goal.
at a minimum i have to do the tupperware cabinet--i can't open it with causing an avalanche!


would any of you local ladies be interested in doing a craft night with me, as part of a fundraiser for davis?
if so, shoot me an email or message me on facebook, ok?


Lisa said...

I can't imagine looking around and seeing that everything is a mess over here...because everything is perfectly clean ALL of the time. Maybe not. Def not. And it does make me crazy sometimes. Oh well...what are we to do :)?? Love you. Imperfect as we are, love you. Clean or not. For reals.

j*e*n said...

I have an avalanche of Tupperware / Rubbermaid stuff, too. The kids think it's funny...I'm still trying to find the humor in it.

Danielle said...

Ha ha, yesterday I was looking around my house and thinking the exact same thing. And last night I started working on my tupperware, lol. Painting our cabinets has really thrown our home into chaos, it's definitely motivating me to get them done a little faster. So happy for your donations...that much closer to bringing him home:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy

I am a "blog stalker" :) in a good way I hope..
I found you a while ago from Whatevers blog and the Macs..depending on your location in Al I would love to do a craft night ;)maybe could even entice a few