Monday, February 23, 2009

still not 100%

the boys were still not feeling much better today.
in fact one of my coworkers whose son is in ben's class told me that 7 out of the 10 children in his class were out sick.
this stomach flu is the pits.

last week when i was on travel, all i ate was fast food.
and with the family being sick, all i've continued to eat was home-cooked fast food (i.e. hot dogs, mac n' cheese).
i decided to make a real dinner last night.

tilapia with garlic green beans and fire roasted tomatos over brown rice.
it was warm and light and satisfying.
john even had to come to the table to eat some. upset stomach and all.

after dinner i felt energized.
i went to the garage to find a project to finish (i have too many to mention, but hey, i have good intentions!).
i remembered this old upholstered piano bench i got last summer.
i had every intention of snazzing it up for anna's room, a place for her to sit and get dressed or put on her shoes.

who am i kidding...a place to line up her stuffed animals and put lip gloss on them.
it's her bench, she can do whatever she wants with it, right?!

i wish i had taken a before pic (for y'all to see), but imagine a deep burgundy tapestry fabric.
i lightened it up a bit with this super cute girlie print.

today i added the gingham skirt and pompom fringe.

when it was all finished, anna skipped around the house thanking me and telling me how beautiful it was and how much she loved it.

josh just pouted, "where's MY bench??!! NOT FAIR!"

don't feel so bad josh. i want one too.

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