i hope we get to do everything on it--the kids had some great ideas!
one idea...i'm not too sure about...i bet you can guess which one!
anna was so excited to think of things.
ben just wanted to grab everything on the table and throw it on the floor.
i thought josh would have been the most excited, but instead he pouted about how much he wanted to go outside and play with his friends.
and unfortunately, his begging and not listening put him in the timeout chair for quite a while.
bummer dude.
after he calmed down, i took the kids out back for some popsicles and time on the swings. anna decided to go down the big slide. as soon as ben saw her, it was all over. he wanted out of the swing and down the slide too. he's been down before, several times, so i grabbed him and set him at the top of the slide.
that was my biggest mistake.
he went down so fast, too fast for his liking too, and landed on his back.
and cut his lip somehow.
while i was trying to calm him down, josh started freaking out that he had no one to throw the baseball with and started sobbing.
anna looked at me like she knew better than to start crying about something. (thank goodness)
it was a cry fest.
we all marched in the house.
john had class tonight and came back home just in time for the drama.
poor john.
fast forward a couple hours.
ben's in bed and the older kids are watching spongebob.
a load of laundry is in the washer and the kitchen is straightened up.
john is putting together a new buffet we bought for the dining room...FROM WALMART! super inexpensive, but looks GREAT! nicer than in the pictures online too.
our summer list has been made.
even though we're not all happy about it, we're going with it.
moving forward, finding our way. something like that.
Oh my how we have those same cry fests at our house. Seriously. GAH!!
What I would do just to make them stop somedays. That's when I go shut the door to the bathroom take a bubble bath, and pretend my kids don't exsist anymore.
Bad mom.
So you have fun with that summer list, and let me know how that baby thing works out, okay?
My kids want another one as well, and I just can't quite explain to them that Daddy has been fixed. :D
That picture of Josh pouting with his baseball glove is classic...I'm so glad you grabbed your camera!
We just did our "summer" list the other night, too...and the only one who really wanted to participate was Emmy. She had loads of ideas. Bridget had finished her food, so she was trying to hit Emmy with her placemat and grab her hair. :)
I did'nt see go to Nana and Poppy's on the to do list! Guess we don't rate! Anyway, looks very busy and fun to me. Hope Josh did,nt get into to much trouble. Josh and Anna have a great time at camp this summer! Ben good luck in speak class and we hope to see all of you soon! Love Nana
amy, i love your blog - it makes me happy! :-)
and, as for the firewood, i know where you can get some for free...
Ok, I knew I should never laugh at a child in trouble... but that 'corner' picture cracked me up. His expression is priceless. :)
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