we started mixing up a custom blend of our free peacock blue paint and some leftover brown paint.
the result was a much more subdued version of the original, and truthfully, more like what we wanted.
ahh, much better.
and i think it's a keeper!
i forgot to mention yesterday that i took anna to do this:
she was a model for my friend's photography business, spoiled rotten photography, for her new fall set.
i can't wait to show you how cute she looked!
josh spent yesterday playing legos, his obsession.
i ordered a 6 lb. box of assorted legos on ebay and he hasn't stopped since they came.
i love that he imagines these things and spends hours building them.
he is going to be an engineer or an architect (a mother's wishful thinking!).
and he just learned how to blow up a balloon by himself. i love how he almost goes cross-eyed when he starts to blow really hard!
ben has spent most of the weekend following me around crying or laying on me getting some lovin.
he's teething again and this time it's a doozie. he had a fever off and on all day and night, but woke up today much happier and with an appetite!
hope you're having a great weekend. happy sunday!
I just popped over from Meg's site & thought I would say hi.
Hi. :)
Your kitchen makeover is awesome! We're still in the "too many ideas" phase of our redo but it will be very similar to yours - the honey oak cabinets turned white, the same hardware, even the same sink! I love that sink! We are going to put in at least 2 glass front cabinets...I think.
Anyway just wanted to say hi & I think your blog looks like a lot of fun! Oh & I think your door looks great! :)
Love this color...and love your kitchen!
woo hoo - thanks for giving us the kitchen pics. ~love the door~
hope you are feeling better soon!
AMY >>>> You got props from MEG!!!!
Your house is gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see the photos from your session!!! :)
Your family is beautiful and so is your door color.
Color is really hard, but I think you nailed it this time.
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