he had a dentist appointment to have TWO teeth pulled.
his teeth are really crowded and these two needed to go to make room for others to come in.
whoa! ultra close-up!
when i took these pictures tonight, i told him he looks like a jack-o-lantern now.
i started to giggle.
he started to cry. poor thing!
let's see...
other news...
anna is very into a reading website called http://starfall.com
she asks to play almost every night.
i don't know if it has anything to do with it, but her reading is picking up quickly now!
it's amazing how well she does on a laptop too.
and she's only 5!
i guess that's it for now.
just a couple more pictures.
another picture of my boys and their popcorn.
it's a nightly ritual now for the two of them.
and here's one with the other "boy" in our house...buck.
and his freaky glowing eyes.
Poor Josh! I forgot to call him about his dentist appointment. I'll try to call tonight. I went to the dentist today and had a great check-up! Most of my teeth have fillings--will need a crown on one-feb. 10th i go for that procedure. Oh lucky me! Love to all,Nana
I love the last picture of the "boys" and how Ben has his leg crossed. I love their eyelashes!! They are so blessed! And on another note, Anna is absolutely beautiful. I love her eyes!!!!!!! She is a cute girl. All of your kids are. :)
So adorable!
I would love your support on the ELLE DECOR window that I decorated for the Big Window Challenge this year. As we all know, AT doesn't make it easy, but you can vote TWICE a day. Once online & the other by texting "1" to 89800.
Your support means the world to me!!
I LOVE starfall! I use it for teaching and a few months ago my little guy got hooked on it. It's awesome!
We also have a popcorn ritual in our home. :)
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