Sunday, February 14, 2010

our long weekend

i'm feeling tired and sleepy tonight.
the kiddos are wearing me out.
we were off friday for a teacher in-service day and we're off tomorrow for president's day too.
combined with the frigid cold we have here and well, let's just say, we're all a little tired of each other.

i'm all over the place with my thoughts.
i want to write about the olympics.
staying up late watching the olympics can make a girl tired.

i want to write about how cute the snowman pancakes john made us for breakfast.

i want to write about how cute anna and her friend were playing barbies in the bathtub this afternoon.
anna was singing a miley cyrus song and silvie told her she had a pretty voice.

i want to write about our valentine's day.

i'm going to close this laptop and say good night.

good night.

p.s. happy birthday sandee. i hope you know how lucky i feel to have you as my sister. kiss, kiss, dahling.

1 comment:

nana said...

No pictures of Josh as usual! That boy never stops to pose does he! Anyway, The girls had fun and hopfully Ben too! Sorry i didn't get cards. Love to all ,Nana