Monday, June 3, 2013


we went to the beach.
we ate lots of good food and drank "jersey specials."
the water was warm (around 81-82 degrees) but still a little bit too chilly for me to swim.
didn't stop the kids one bit.
ben swallowed so much salt water he actually got sick.
even then, he wanted to swim some more.
the big kids are so much bigger this year.
they are such good kids.  i should tell them that more often.
josh must have caught 30 fish.
anna caught around five, and one time she caught two on the same line.
the house is a dream and we love it.  all of us.
can't wait to go back soon.

nana and pop are watching the kids during the day.
the kiddos are settling into summer well...lazy days watching tv, video games, playing on the ipad.
too much screen time.
time for mom's summer reading list!
any good book suggestions for a sixth grade boy and a fourth grade girl?

i talked to my dear friend danielle today.
i just love her.
her friendship is an absolute blessing to me.
oh and guess what? she just bought a vintage aqua fridge to use as storage in her craft room.
now if that isn't awesome, i don't know what is.

i am spending much of my free time scouring this blog.
the organization on here makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
so much so that i spent seven hours yesterday reorganizing my kitchen cabinets.
true story!
last night i laid in bed and made a mental list of all the places in our house i want to organize now.
and then i cried myself to sleep because my list was too long. (just kidding)

last thing, and maybe the best of the day, i was hysterical over this video from jimmy fallon.
maybe a snort or two.
good stuff.


Colleen said...

the beach house sounds amazing!!

oh my gosh, I love bowl full of lemons too. makes me want to go an organize (as if it wasn't already!)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. The pic of Davis (from another site)sent my fingers flying to you.
All of your kids are beautiful, but Ben steals the show! I am LUCKY enough to have one such AWESOME guy in my life. My baby brother, Matt. You, your family and Davis will be in my prayers, probably lots more, since my dad is a minister, and will share this story.
Luck and Prayers to you and your family,